
Workshop – Safe Spaces in Gender Sensitive Interviews


Workshop: ‘Safe Spaces in Gender Sensitive Interviews’ – Monday 8 April 2024

10:00-12:00am (CET) / 09:00-11:00am (GMT)  

We are pleased to invite WiRL Members to this participatory online workshop in which experts from academia and the field will share knowledge and provide guidance based on their own experience as the basis for interactive work with participants. Full agenda here.

Research and experience show that gender-sensitive asylum interviewing is critical for women and survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) to feel able to give a full account of the reasons for their claim. Without this, there is a risk of poor communication, re-traumatisation, misunderstanding, failure to collect relevant evidence and – consequently – an unfair decision. Due to limited guidance[1] and failure to implement existing guidance, evidence suggests that many claimants do not have a good experience at their interview.[2]

Facilitators: Giulia Cragnolini, Independent Expert on migration and asylum; Devika Kapoor, Trainer and Coordinator at Amna; Lore Roels, PhD Candidate on misconceptions in gender-related asylum and non-refoulement procedures; Denise Venturi, Independent Expert and PhD Candidate in refugee, gender, intersectionality and LGBTIQ+ issues.  Full Biographies here.

Participants: This workshop is for advocates and caseworkers who work with asylum-seeking and refugee women and survivors of GBV, women with lived experience of the asylum interview process, researchers, decision-makers and campaigners.

Follow-up: this is a closed workshop for a limited number of participants, however materials from the event will be published on the WiRL website after the event. Knowledge shared during the workshop will contribute to the development of WiRL guidelines on Gender Sensitive Interviewing.

If you are a WiRL member and would like to register for the workshop, please email [email protected] and if you would like to find out more about becoming a member so you can participate in this workshop please also email [email protected] 

[1] Hungarian Helsinki Committee. (2015) Credibility Assessment in Asylum Procedures – A Multidisciplinary Training Manual, Vol 2; UNHCR. (2005) Ensuring Gender Sensitivity in the Context of Refugee Status Determination and Resettlement. Module 2 (Resource Package)

[2] Bögner, D., Brewin, C., & Herlihy, J. (2010). Refugees’ Experiences of Home Office Interviews: A Qualitative Study on the Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(3), 519–535.